Wall Street Journal Editor-at-Large and Free Expression Columnist Gerard Baker joined Brian Kilmeade to discuss the plundering stocks as fears of a recession emerge and how the country has gotten to this point. The recent economic failures can “be laid at the doorstep of the administration,” he said. Baker also attributes the economy slowing down to the rising unemployment rate which is at 4.3% as of July 2024 along with the tension in the Middle East. While inflation rates have gone down prices remain way above where they were four years ago and wages haven’t gone up, causing people to be fearful of what state the economy will be in come November.

Baker raises the question of whether the democrats and media are going to cover up for presumptive Democrat nominee Vice President Kamala Harris’ failures like they did for President Biden over the last three years. Harris is “a cross between Joan of Arc, Harriet Tubman and Margaret Thatcher,” he said. Baker went on to say that the narrative on Harris just a month ago was that she cannot replace Biden on the ticket because of her poor approval ratings.

“The fact that her approval rating has gone from underwater to positive is a really powerful and disturbing indication of how important favorable media coverage can be.”

Watch the full video here: