Congressman Chip Roy (R-TX) joins FOX Across America with Jimmy Failla to discuss Vice President Harris’ rollout as the presumptive Democratic nominee, and weighs in on Harris flip flopping on border policies.

“I mean, for someone to have been, being put out there as having the lowest popularity, the lowest, approval ratings of anybody in recent memory in Vice president’s office. Now, suddenly she’s the savior of the Democratic Party, which I think is more of a statement for how bad it is, how low the bar is. They’re willing to take anybody with a pulse. And I don’t say that just to be rude about our current president in mental state. It’s sad that the country is sad for Israel, sad for the people of us. And, you know, you you always have a great, light hearted, humorous show, but, you know, dadgum it. I mean, you watch what’s happening here. Yep. And what’s happening to our country, watch the economic markets. I’m sorry. The financial markets and the economy in turmoil. You know, you’re watching, what’s happening around the world, Iran, Israel. You know, the continued engagement between Ukraine and Russia and then what’s happening right here at home, and our own border. I mean, to the point, you know. Oh, that the so-called czars, you know. Oh, she’s not the czar. Okay, well, what do you want to call it? I mean, the president said, oh, you’re in charge of something, and that something has yielded, I think, just a report just now, breaking news that though millions have put out, I don’t have it in front of me about. I think it was 99, illegal aliens on the FBI terror watch list. And, another 34 aliens still in DHS. I mean, it’s this is the state of affairs right now. I’m sure Lake and Riley’s parents and every other family who’s been decimated by the loss of a loved one under Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, would, you know, love to understand how they think that this is going to be different under her as the president?”

Congressman Roy also discusses the national debt, the need for tax cuts, and shares his thoughts on the playoff race between the Yankees and Orioles.