The Democrat Party went from calling us “Nazis, fascists and deplorables” to just plain “weird.”

Hey, we will take it!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

The Democrat Party has gone out of its way to denigrate Trump and his supporters. Over the years the buzz words have ranged from “deplorables” to “MAGA extremists” to even likening the movement to Hitler’s. 

But none of it panned out so they’ve got a new buzz word they’re trying out- all of them- and it’s “weird.”

Like a robotic symphony of BS, Democrat pundits and leaders have rolled out the word “weird” as their preferred label for us. 

The party that supports men in women’s sports, chest feeding, they/them pronouns, and believes every milestone celebration would be made better with drag queens, is really calling us “weird?”

The tagline is laughable at best and if they think it’s gonna distract voters from the issues, they are sadly mistaken. 

But I will say this, the campaign that focuses on policy from here on out will have the advantage in November. 

The name-calling is getting old, and so are failed Democrat media talking points. Get a new script!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at