Homelessness Rises, Even for the Employed

A rising number of Americans are homeless due to rising rent and cost of housing. 

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next. 

The latest report from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development shows a shocking reality, over 650,000 people experienced homelessness on a single night in 2023. 

That’s a 12% JUMP from 2022 and the highest number since this particular survey started in 2007.

And what’s even worse, is that a growing number of these folks experiencing homelessness have jobs, but STILL can’t afford rent or housing. 

Even with gainful employment, a rising number of Americans just cannot make ends meet and struggle to pay a landlord first and last month’s rent plus a security deposit- at least not in addition to everyday living expenses. 

And get this, The National Low Income Housing Coalition found a $20-per-hour wage could only afford a two-bedroom apartment in 6 states, even if those states had a $15 minimum wage. 

Bidenomics has failed hard working Americans. 

And keep in mind, your tax dollars are going to feed and house ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at Outkick.com