STEP DOWN, Kim Cheatle!

The more we learn about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, the more maddening it is that Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle has not resigned or been fired. 

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle needs to either resign willfully, or be fired. There is no question about it. 

The fact that Cheatle had the AUDACITY to show up at the RNC to schmooze with donors and friends after refusing to answer questions on a call with US Senators, is icing on an already very bad cake. 

Since the assassination attempt last weekend, Cheatle has not been forthcoming with the American people or the elected officials we’ve sent to represent us.

She also blatantly insulted the intelligence of the American people by excusing the lack of roof overwatch due to its “dangerous slope.”

We still have more questions than answers about what exactly happened that day and why it went so wrong but if the buck does stop with her, she needs to step down immediately and should have last weekend! 

Our president, former president, and all elected officials deserve better and it’s time for accountability!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at