Josh Holmes on the Significance of the CNN Presidential Debate for Biden: “He’s Been on a Bit of a Slide… Biden Has Massive Stakes”

Josh Holmes, Founding Partner of Cavalry LLC and co-host of The Ruthless Podcast, joined the Guy Benson Show today to discuss strategies for each candidate at the CNN Presidential Debate. Holmes also discussed who could possibly run as former President Trump’s Vice President in the 2024 Presidential Election.  Benson and Holmes also discuss Biden’s border crisis and how that crisis could play into the election cycle. Listen to the full interview below!

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Josh Holmes had this to say on the stakes for Biden for the CNN Presidential Debate:

“I think honestly, Biden has massive stakes here. He’s been on a bit of a slide here for three months. The Trump campaign obviously raised a lot of money following the verdict. They are in a position now that I think that they would have taken in a heartbeat a year ago if you if you told them where they were, where they were. But increasingly, the thing that bothers me the most from the Biden standpoint is that lingering, huge number associated with people who they don’t know if he can make it through the dang debate. And they’re very concerned about his ability to serve four more years. And that’s a bar that you would look at and say, okay, that’s expectations hedging.”