Hillary Clinton Warns Joe Biden!

Hillary Clinton, the multi election loser, is offering advice to Sleepy Joe ahead of tomorrow night’s CNN Presidential Debate. 

This outta be good. 

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Hillary Clinton has a new book to plug, so she’s soaking up every moment of spotlight afforded to her. Lucky us.

She’s written an op-ed in the New York Times titled “I’ve Debated Trump and Biden. Here is What I’m Watching For.” 

And given she’s a multi time loser, I hope Joe Biden clings to her every word of advice. 

In her self-centered op-ed, Hillary harkened back to her debates with Trump, called him a bully and claimed his style is to “start with nonsense and digress into blather.”

She also asserted in her article that the expectations of Trump are low- an obvious lie and gaslight. 

She also claimed Joe has the disadvantage because as the sitting president he has so many duties and responsibilities that distract from his debate prep. 

Really? He’s been holed up in his Camp David cocoon for a week! 

But what did we expect from a Hillary op-ed? The truth?! 

We’d sooner find ice in hell!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at Outkick.com