Trump 2024 Campaign Deputy Communications Director Caroline Sunshine joins Fox Across America With guest host Paul Gleiser to shed light on how many people living in this country have had enough with President Biden’s lenient approach to the crisis at the U.S. southern border.

“Here’s what the American people don’t understand. They don’t understand why Joe Biden is signing a mass amnesty this week to allow 1.1 million illegal immigrants to stay in our country, gain a pathway to citizenship, get work permits, gain access to Medicare and Social Security. And we know what’s coming, the right to vote. They don’t understand why before that, Joe Biden signed an additional mass amnesty, allowing 1.8 million more illegal immigrants to come into our country. That is after the 10 million he has already allowed to come here. And those illegal immigrants were given free flights and free housing, while the American people struggle to afford their rent, their mortgage payments. I don’t understand why Joe Biden is putting illegal immigrants first, but putting victims of violent crimes committed by illegal immigrants like Rachel Morin, a mother of five, putting Americans like her last. Where’s Joe Biden? Has he called Rachel Morin’s family? Does he even know her name? He won’t say her name. We know the white House won’t say her name. We know the Biden campaign won’t say her name. Do they care? Do they even know her story? You know, President Trump was fortunate yesterday to speak with Rachel Morin’s mother, Patty. And I was really touched to hear that, she said. President Trump’s conversation with her and his words brought her comfort. And I know President Trump to be a man of deep compassion, but I also know him to be a man of action.”

Listen to the podcast to hear what else she said to Paul!