“COMPETENCY IS KEY”: Fmr. Governor Scott Walker Weighs in on Potential Trump VP Picks

Former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, two-term Governor from Wisconsin, President of Young America’s Foundation, and member of the boards of Students for Life Action, American Federation for Children and the Center for State-led National Debt Solutions, joined the Guy Benson Show today to discuss Trump’s recent visit to Wisconsin.  Walker and Benson discuss how Trump can win the state of Wisconsin and other Midwest states that have voted blue for president in the past. Walker and Benson also discuss some potential picks for President Trump’s potential running mate in the ongoing ‘veepstakes’.  Listen to the full interview below!

Full Interview:

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Walker had this to say on what Trump should look for in a potential Vice Presidential running mate:

“I think competency is the key. You know, you put someone like any of the governor’s mentioned, Doug Burgum, Ron DeSantis, I’d add to that list Kim Reynolds. I love Sarah Sanders, but I think no one who’s a governor should run for anything except reelection in their first term. Youngkin may be an exception because you only get one term in Virginia, and you add to that next, Tim Scott, Marco Rubio, all those people add value… I think putting a competent running mate on the ticket, someone they could see governing, not just during the next four years, but for the next eight years after that really would send a powerful message to those voters.”