NY Post Jon Levine: New Text, New Bad News For Hunter Biden In Family Scandal

Hunter Biden used his dad’s appearance at a Sandy Hook shooting memorial event to coordinate a previously unknown planned meeting between the former vice president and a Chinese business partner, newly unveiled texts showed. This is some pretty significant developments in the still unfolding saga of Hunter Biden & the Biden family enrichment scheme.

Guy gets reaction from NY Post Writer Jon Levine

Listen Below:

Levine said the following:

“This is the oldest Washington cliche, but I’m going to say it. The cover up is worse than the crime. I can’t sit here and give you a smoking gun. Yes, Joe Biden is guilty of X, Y and Z crimes. Can’t. But what I can tell you is that there has been a very coordinated effort to cover up his involvement in his son’s overseas business dealings and his son’s overseas business dealings writ large. You’ll recall Joe Biden said in the debate, my son never made money from China. That’s it. Blown apart ten different ways from Sunday. That was a lie. That was a cover up. We have heard forever. I had no involvement in my son’s overseas business dealings. That was the line forever. And then it suddenly changed”