Rich Lowry on Trump’s National Standing: “He’d Win if the Election Were Held Today, and You Got To Give Him an Advantage in November”

Rich Lowry, Editor of National Review & Author of The Case for Nationalism, joined the Guy Benson Show today to discuss the latest on bad polling for Biden in 2024. As Biden’s favorability drops, Trump’s support seems unwavering despite his ongoing trials. The pair also discuss the fair left factions in the country that continue to support increasingly radical ideology, and Rich and Benson discuss Trump’s most likely paths to victory in the face of said ideology. Listen to the full interview below!

Full Interview:

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Lowry had this to say on Trump’s success and continued favorability as November approaches:

“He’d win if the election were held today, and you got to give him an advantage in November. And notably, and some of the registered likely voter splits in those states are a couple where Biden is is better, you noted with likely voters, but there are couple where the Trump registered number actually goes up.”