Karol Markowicz on THWARTED Queers for Palestine Protest: “I Do Feel Like a Genius Every Day for Moving”

Karol Markowicz, columnist for the New York Post & Fox News, Co-Author (with Bethany Mandel) of the new book Stolen Youth: How Radicals Are Erasing Innocence and Indoctrinating a Generation, and host of the podcast The Karol Markowicz Show, joined the Guy Benson Show today to discuss the latest juxtaposition between Florida politics and lawfare and the lawfare of other states as anti-Israel protestors were quickly thwarted over the weekend. Markowicz and Benson also discuss the latest from Eurovision over the weekend and how the UN has revised the Gaza death toll… again. Listen to the full interview below!

Full Interview:

Listen to the full podcast:

Markowicz had this to say on Florida’s handling of anti-semitic protests:

I think that what I love most about Florida right now, and why I do feel like a genius every day for moving… is it’s not that we’re not going to have these pro-Hamas outbursts. It’s how they get handled that I’m so proud of. And it’s not you’re not going to erase people who hate Israel. You’re not going to get rid of anti-Semites protesting in the street. You know, all of this is just part of living in society, unfortunately. But it’s the handling of it that I think is so impressive and that I appreciate so much.”