The Majority of Americans Support MASS Deportation!

A new poll shows a majority of Americans support mass deportation of illegal immigrants!

It’s amazing what an invasion will do to change hearts and minds!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Folks, I never thought I’d see the day when the MAJORITY of Americans support the mass deportation of illegal immigrants, but according to a new Axios Vibes survey by the Harris Poll, that day has come! 

According to the poll, 51% of those polled say they would support the deportation of illegal immigrants and yes, that includes 42% of DEMOCRATS!

The one silver lining in this failed Biden presidency, is that perhaps it had to get this bad for people to wake up!

I give direct credit for this opinion shift to Texas Governor Greg Abbott who- through his busing of illegals to blue cities- made the border invasion UNAVOIDABLE! 

If re-elected, Donald Trump has pledged to begin the biggest mass deportation effort in American history and if he accomplishes that goal, he belongs on Mt. Rushmore!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at