CA Bill Seeks to Ban CLEAR

A California bill seeks to ban CLEAR- the expedited airport screening service- from state airports over “equity issues.”

Now I’ve heard it all!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next. 

New legislation put forth in California would ban the expedited security screening company “CLEAR” from state airports because some Democrats think it’s not equitable for poor people. 

Yes, proponents of this joke of a bill say that paying extra to get through airport security faster benefits wealthy people and CLEAR has some “equity issues.”

CLEAR costs $189 dollars a year and some credit cards offer it as a free perk, but those details have gone over the heads of the Liberal social justice warriors. 

But ya know if we are gonna go there there are a lot of things that need to be banned starting with airplane tickets which are also too expensive for some people and therefore not equitable. 

In fact, ban most everything in Biden’s America that has become unaffordable! Or maybe just make it all free. That’ll do it. That’ll fight racism. 

Pretty soon, they’re gonna tell us that having to show identification is racist and oppressive … 

Oh wait, they already say that about voter ID…

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at