Trump May be FORCED to Miss His Son’s Graduation?!

The judge in Donald Trump’s bogus hush money trial may force him to miss his son’s graduation. 

No decency. No respect. 

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next. 

This week marks the beginning of yet another witch hunt trial against former President Trump. This time it’s Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s bogus Stormy Daniels hush money witch hunt set in New York City. 

Jury selection is underway but Trump’s attorneys have already put in a request for him to be able to skip the trial on May 17th so that he may attend his youngest son’s high school graduation in Florida. 

Reports indicate the judge has acknowledged the request but has not given an answer. 

What a crock. This whole thing is such a joke to begin with but for the court to purposefully stand in the way of Trump being able to attend a milestone family occasion is just icing on this crappy cake!

A lesser man would crumble but Teflon Don stands tall against it all!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at