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Serving as a U.S. Diplomat from 1993 until 2016, Beth Payne had witnessed a lot. However, it would be a day in October 2003 that would change her life forever.

While in Iraq, opening the Office of the U.S. Consul in Baghdad, Beth was awoken by a rocket slamming into her hotel room. Stunned and unable to speak, she launched into action — leading dozens of injured colleagues to safety. After that day Beth kept pressing on, but the emotional turmoil she experienced translated into debilitating symptoms, both physical and mental. It took years before she reached out for help, but after being diagnosed with PTSD and receiving proper mental health care, Beth now uses her life as a testimony to anyone suffering in silence.

Beth joins Benjamin to discuss what she remembers from that day back in 2003, how she continues to manage her PTSD, and why her journey led her to create Payne Resilience Training & Consulting, a company dedicated to teaching people tools to become their most resilient, adaptable selves.

Follow Benjamin on Twitter: @BenjaminHallFNC