Co-host of “The Big Money Show” on Fox Business Taylor Riggs joins Fox Across America With guest host Paul Gleiser to shed light on how electric vehicles are not as environmentally friendly as liberals want you to believe.

“All the mining of that material, the lithium, the nickel that’s coming from China, China has not reduced their emissions. India has not reduced their emissions. No matter how much we in the U.S. reduce our emissions, this air is circular across the globe. We have to get China and India on board, or there’s nothing that we can do in the U.S. that will save us, right? So when we talk about EVs, if we’re not holding those two big countries accountable for their emissions, that’s a whole separate story. Nothing we do is going to work. But if we’re mining all of these minerals to make the batteries in China, those are dirty, you know. And how were we powering the EVs? Are we powering these on electric grids? Are we powering these from coal? From nuclear energy? How are we recycling the batteries? Are we throwing them into a dump? So again the EV push to change climate change, I’m not sure if people are really thinking through the narrative on EVs sound good because it sounds like we’re going green, but is it really green? Let’s talk about the whole supply chain of that battery of that car and how you dispose of that. And again, what’s the resale value so that we don’t hurt the lowest income consumer.”

To hear what else she had to say to Paul,  listen to the podcast!

PLUS, don’t forget to order your copy of Jimmy’s new book!

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