Texas Republican Congressman Wesley Hunt joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to explain why he believes former President Trump is on track to receive a significant amount of support among Black voters in the 2024 presidential election.

“The canary in the coal mines are the words used by like, 50 Cent and Ice Cube. They are talking about policy. They don’t care about race. They are looking at the last four years and realizing that we are not better off today than we were under President Trump. That is it. And the racial grift and the racial divide that the left continues to perpetuate is no longer resonating because we realize that we live in a meritocracy. America has come a long way. But, brother, you know, I talk about my district all the time. I am a Black man that is a congressman for a White majority district that President Trump would have won by 25 points and I won by 30. I’m a black man being judged by the content of my character, and I get to represent these people proudly, regardless of my skin color. That’s the America today. And Black men are waking up to that. And I am telling you, this is going to be epic”

Jimmy and Rep. Hunt also discuss the importance of Trump’s decision to attend the wake of slain NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller. Listen to the podcast to hear everything they talked about!

PLUS, don’t forget to order your copy of Jimmy’s new book!

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