(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Jon Taffer spoke to Brian Kilmeade about how the new season of Bar Rescue is the most emotional season he has had and how families and businesses are struggling post pandemic. Taffer discussed the impact the California minimum wage is having by forcing employers to cut back on staffing by 30-40%. Taffer says it is a very challenging time and thinks next year we’re going to see a lot of shake outs in family businesses, and unfortunately too many are going to disappear. Taffer also weighed in on the impact the civil fraud case against Donald Trump will have on people investing their businesses in New York. Taffer says having activist district attorneys functioning on a political agenda that’s destroying the credibility of investing in New York. Taffer added, we’re seeing our legal system turned into a weapon and I’m not quite sure how we stop it. Taffer does not see a way of eradicating everything that’s been infiltrated into the system and that is scary to him.