Sen. Marsha Blackburn LIVE from Texas: Biden Blaming Republicans for Blocking the Border Bill is “Pathetic”

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), member of the Commerce, Science, & Transportation Committee, Judiciary , Veterans’ Affairs & Armed Services Committees, and author of The Mind of a Conservative Woman: Seeking the Best for Family and Country, joined the Guy Benson Show live from Texas as she and Guy discuss Biden’s border crisis. She discusses the lack of security needed on the southern border, and her and Guy also briefly discuss the TikTok bill. Listen to the full interview below.

Full interview:

Listen to the full podcast:


Blackburn had this to say on Biden blaming the GOP for the state of the border:

“When I heard that Joe Biden say, if we had this one bill passed, we could secure the border, I just chuckled, and said ‘well bless his heart’ because that is pathetic. What he did his first 200 days in office was to take 94 executive actions that directly weakened immigration law and opened the border. It was intentional.”