Dan Senor joined Brian Kilmeade to discuss the fraction between Israel and U.S. after the US Ambassador to the United Nation’s decision to abstain instead of vetoing a UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Senor says the decision was a decision made by the President of the United States as the tension between the Biden Administration and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. Senor spoke about the decision by Netanyahu to call off the delegation he was sending to DC and meet with the Biden administration about Rafah. When asked about Vice President Harris saying she has studied the maps and there is nowhere for the Gaza refugees to go, Senor said he doesn’t even know how to respond to Harris’s comment, adding, he would not have Israel make its security decisions that determine how to deal with existential threats on her reading of a map. Senor also spoke about President Biden wanting a confrontation between the U.S. and the Netanyahu-led government because they are worried about Biden losing Michigan.