Media Watchdog Group Details Google’s Left-Wing Bias

A media watchdog report shows Google worked to push Democrat candidates and censor Republicans.

Knock me over with a feather!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next. 

When it comes to bias and censorship, no entity is  perhaps more suspect than Google. 

The watchdog group “Media Research Center” published a report detailing at least 41 instances of such bias since 2008. 

According to this report, Google worked to skew search results in favor of Obama over Hillary in 2008 by “suspending the accounts of writers who wrote blogs critical of Obama during his primary race against Clinton.”

It continued 4 years later with a favoritism for Obama over Mitt Romney.

The MRC report also leaned into data from Dr. Robert Epstein who told Congress that Google’s search algorithm “”shifted at least 2.5 million votes” to Hillary over Donald Trump in 2016, though even that wasn’t enough to get her across the finish line! 

Of course, Google has denied all of this. 

I think it’s pretty apparent to anyone paying attention that social media and big tech platforms- at large- tend to pick winners and losers. 

Look no further than the Twitter files, COVID censorship, and the Hunter Laptop story!

Something is fishy!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at