LISTEN: Guy Discusses Meeting the Hostage Families in Israel, “It Makes You So Sad and So Angry”

Today on the Guy Benson Show, Guy returned home to D.C. after spending nearly a week in Israel. Guy spent the week touring several sites in Israel that were devastated by Hamas and the massacre that took place on October 7th, but Guy said one of the more harrowing experiences that he had was meeting with the families of current hostages held by Hamas. Guy related to the devastation faced by these families, and he tells his first hand account in the mono below.

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Benson had this to say on the realities of children being held by Hamas terrorists:

“I have a four month old at home. Looking at this photo of this smiling baby with a little toy, lying on a mat. I mean, it just… It makes you so sad and so angry. All the histrionics in support of these monsters who took him, or putting the onus on the country of this baby that’s fighting to try to beat the savages who did this. Like Israel’s at fault here. Look at the face of the baby. This child. Absolutely innocent. He, we hope is alive. Prospects seem grave because we know that Hamas has absolutely no hesitation to slaughter babies because they did it. On October 7th, they burned them alive. They shot them. They are heinous, subhuman terrorists with no regard for life.”