Joe Concha on the Newest Russia Conspiracy From the Left: “It’s Happening Again!”

Joe Concha, Fox News Contributor & author of the book: Come On, Man!: The Truth About Joe Biden’s Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Presidency, joined the Guy Benson Show today to discuss the latest on the media attempting to reinstall the ‘Russiagate’ conspiracy theory. Benson and Concha also discuss the Catherine Herridge case and why she’s being held in civil contempt of court for protecting an anonymous source. Listen to the full interview below!

Full Interview:

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Concha had this to say on the left attempting ‘Russiagate’ again:

“It’s happening again. I mean, I guess it worked once before. Maybe. But post-Mueller report, you think they’d be like, all right, we can’t fool the American people twice. They’re going for it. And I just can’t understand the dots being connected.”