(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Joe Lonsdale, 8VC founding partner and co-founder of Palantir, joined Brian Kilmeade to discuss the Wall Street Journal op-ed he wrote with Jeb Bush on the dangers of weaponizing the judicial system against Donald Trump and Elon Musk. Lonsdale said he has a lot of friends in business who do not like Trump but agree for the sake of America it is not right how the far left of the Democrat Party has used the courts against him.

Lonsdale explained how Palantir has been deployed in Ukraine helping in their war against Russia by providing all the technologies for anti-drone and all sorts of new ways to target the Russians.

Lonsdale also broke down how Silicon Valley, including companies such as Google, have pulled away from partnering with the Defense Department and other military groups because they feel helping the government is wrong. Lonsdale feels this kind of anti-American globalist mentality is not acceptable believes we need to have more companies jump back in and with their best and brightest engineers for the sake of the country.