The Lighthouse As Your Guide To A Daily Walk With God

There’s a hunger in this world for God. You may not know it; you may not feel it. But the insatiable need for a transcendent love that surpasses all understanding, is at the root of all our angst and anguish. Just think about this year’s Grammy Song of the Year, “What Was I Made For?” It may be the Billie Eilish tune for the movie Barbie, but it may as well be the soundtrack of this generation’s burning question: What’s the purpose of my life? Why am I here? With mounting levels of despair, depression and suicide, the secular world in all its technology, A.I. and social media, needs answers. And I know that the Word of God is what they’re looking for. On this episode of Lighthouse Faith podcast, theologian, author and Christian defender Dr. Alex McFarland, joins me to talk about my new book, “Light For Today: A 365 Day Devotional from the Lighthouse.” I’ve rarely inserted myself as the subject of these podcasts, but I wanted to let listeners know that God is Love. And whatever needs we have He can meet. It takes a daily walk with Him. Reading His word and listening to His voice. God works in the natural everyday existence; in the simple, even in seemingly mundane. God is with us. He is a our refuge and strength.