Nikki Haley’s Special Announcement

Nikki Haley delivered a “special announcement” ahead of the South Carolina Republican primary and it was as lackluster and delusional as she is!


I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.


This week GOP 2024 presidential long shot candidate Nikki Haley assembled the media for what was supposed to be a special announcement.


Many, including myself, thought she would announce the suspension of her failing campaign ahead of what is sure to be an embarrassing primary election in her home state of South Carolina…


But nope. Her “announcement” was that she plans to stay in the race and in Donald Trump’s way until the bitter end. 


She is not able to do this because she has the support or the delegates or the numbers to put on the board, but simply because she is well-funded by the uniparty establishment. 


Nikki Haley is the special interest candidate of all special interest candidates and her staying in the race is not only a waste of resources, but a big help to the Democrats. 


She is circling around Trump like a buzzard hoping something will happen to him but apparently she hasn’t interacted with REPUBLICAN voters enough to realize she isn’t even the second choice! 


Nikki, you are as full of YOURSELF as you are full of IT!


I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at

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