Katie Pavlich: Biden’s “Lack of Response, Weakness” Has “Led to Escalation” in the Middle East

Katie Pavlich, Editor for Townhall.com & Fox News Contributor, joined the Guy Benson Show today to discuss the latest on the attacks against the US in the Middle East, and her and Guy analyze comments made on the matter by John Kirby and Jake Sullivan. The pair also discuss the recent military operation by Israel into a hospital in the West Bank that killed 3 Palestinian terrorists. Listen to the full interview below.

Full Interview:

Listen to the full podcast:


Pavlich had this to say on the cause of the crisis in the Middle East:

“A lack of response, weakness equals escalation. So at the same time that they claim they don’t want escalation, their own policies towards this aggressive behavior that they refuse to check properly, allows Iran to continue escalating the situation.”