Former South Carolina Governor and 2024 GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to explain why she believes former President Trump owes it to the American people to get on a debate stage with her and defend his record.

“He needs to answer for why he put us $8 trillion in debt in four years. He needs to answer on why he wants to raise taxes on Middle America. He literally wants to raise taxes from baby strollers to appliances with an across the board 10 percent tariff increase. That means everything we purchase. That doesn’t hurt other countries. That hurts our small businesses. That hurts us. He owes us an answer on why he complimented China’s President XI a dozen times after China gave us COVID. These are real questions. He needs to answer to us on what’s he going to do about the border? We know what he doesn’t want to do, but what are you going to do to make sure no one crosses that border? Tell us that.”

The former U.S. Ambassador the U.N. also tells Jimmy how personal attacks against her by people on both sides of the political spectrum do not matter in the grand scheme of things.

“I think, honestly, the fellas, like they have these egos and they’re so thin skinned. This is about the country. You can call me whatever name you want. At the end of the day, I’m not leaving the focus of the fact that we’ve got to get the wasteful spending out and get our economy back on track. We’ve got to get our kids reading again and go back to the basics in education. We’ve got to secure our border. No more excuses. We need law and order back in this country. And we need a strong America that prevents wars, period. That’s where we need to focus on. So look, I mean, I saw the temper tantrum that he threw the night that we had the New Hampshire election. That is him. That’s what he does when he feels vulnerable or insecure. I saw when he sat there and said, I’m not going to  allow anybody into MAGA if you support her. That’s a problem there. We went and we printed t shirts that said barred permanently. We’ve sold 15,000 t shirts over that because everybody was like, I want to be barred permanently. And then he goes and he pushes the RNC to name him the nominee. Think about those three acts. If he does that before he’s president, are you really ready to see what he does when he is president? It’s too much about control. It’s too much about him. And this just isn’t about him.”

Listen to the podcast to hear what else she had to say!

PLUS, don’t forget to order your copy of Jimmy’s new book!

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