Fox News contributor and former NYPD inspector Paul Mauro joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to shed light on the legality of Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s declaration about the Lone Star State’s constitutional right to self-defense amid the ongoing crisis at the U.S. Southern border.

“So they’re resorting to the Supremacy Clause for lack of a better term and just saying this is a federal issue. We have the border. You have a law that you’ve passed relative to protecting the border. That’s a Texas state law. But we have federal laws that govern that. Our laws supersede yours. And as a result, that’s our ambit. The problem is that there are, as always, nuances to these things. And if the federal government is not doing its job, that’s number one. And then number two, Texas has made the case that, look, we are not trying to supersede what you’re doing. We’re trying to augment what you’re doing. And that’s kind of where the wiggle room was. And that’s where the rub was and is, because this thing is not solved. People think, okay, Texas lost and it’s over. Negative. All they did was stay the situation as it is right now, giving the federal government the upper hand to remove the razor wire. But that’s why they can keep putting the razor wire back from on Texas’ side, because they didn’t say ultimately, no, Texas, you can’t do this. They’re going to have to take that up at some point. And, you know, people have to be careful what they ask for. Because if you proscribe federal power, if and when you get a Republican president, whether it’s Trump or another one down range, they’re going to be proscribed under the same precedent. So, the needle has to be threaded carefully here. “

Paul and Jimmy also talk about the mysterious case of the three Kansas City Chiefs fans who were found frozen to death outside their friend’s home earlier this month. Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say!

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