Texas Republican Congressman Chip Roy joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to give his unfiltered take on how fellow members of the GOP are all talk and no meaningful action when it comes to passing meaningful legislation to secure the U.S. Southern border.

“The Republican Party is empty. It is completely empty. It is bankrupt. And I sit there listening to the guys offering these excuses. Right? Excuse after excuse. We don’t have enough votes in the House. We don’t have the Senate. We don’t have the White House. And we deliver nothing. And meanwhile, our country is getting absolutely destroyed with wide open borders. I was in South Texas, in Brackettville, Texas yesterday with about 200 ranchers and law enforcement, local leaders, local political leaders and sheriffs. And they’re beside themselves. They’re looking at someone like me and others that have stood up and tried to fight, defend the border. And they’re saying, what are we going to do now? Do you know what their questions are? Their questions are what do I do to protect my family? What am I allowed to do when I have people pouring across my ranch and breaking into my home? And Joe Biden scoffs and the MSNBC Leftist go, Chip Roy, he’s a crazy madman because he’s saying that the Texas should ignore the Supreme Court’s ridiculous ruling. Look, we are at a new era now, and it is time for us to take our freedom back. It’s not taking our country back. It’s about taking our ability to live free. I’m sick of it. I’m sick of these gutless cowards in Washington.”

Rep. Roy also shares his message to the Republican Party ahead of the critical 2024 presidential election.

“The Marxist Democrats that are running our country right now, they want to kill it and destroy it. They want a one world order. They want wide open borders. They don’t believe in sovereignty. They don’t believe in capitalism. They don’t believe in the freedom of our fathers. They don’t believe in Western civilization. Republicans say they do, and they don’t do a damn thing about it. Republicans never show up to the fight, they never show up with even a quarter of the energy the Democrats exert to kill our country. Republicans don’t show up and match that. And that’s what I’m asking. And that’s frankly what I’m trying to push on President Trump and on Republicans. We headed to this election season. Do we mean it? Are we going to do something this time? Are we going to stand up, secure the border? Are we going to stand up for freedom? Governor Abbott’s down there just trying to put razor wire up. He’s having to go to court, and he’s having to fight to keep the National Guard, to be able to hold razor wire up, which isn’t even securing the border. It’s literally just moving traffic around. And we can’t even do that. Like that’s how bad it’s got. And you know, I just it’s beside me that we can sit back and think that this is somehow good for humanity around the world. Because we’re empowering our enemies. We’re empowering China. We’re undoing our ability to produce wealth through our own American energy. And we’re empowering China to pollute with massive coal fired plants while we dismantle our free market engine by mandating electric vehicles that are piling up on automobile dealership lines. A story for a different day, but it’s all connected. Republicans have got to show up to the fight.”

Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say to Jimmy!

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