Sen. Marsha Blackburn on Possibly Being Tagged as Trump’s VP: “I’m Going To Do Whatever I Can Do To Help President Trump Be Elected”

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), member of the Commerce, Science, & Transportation Committee, Judiciary Committee, Veterans’ Affairs, Armed Services Committees, and author of The Mind of a Conservative Woman: Seeking the Best for Family and Country, joined the Guy Benson Show to talk about the worsening conditions on the Southern border of the United States. Sen. Blackburn also describes why the GOP are the ones standing for the border instead of the Democrats.  Listen to the full interview below.

Full Interview:

Listen to the full podcast:


Sen. Blackburn had this to say on the possibility of being tagged as Trump’s VP:

“I’m going to do whatever I can do to help President Trump be elected. We have a country to save. And of course, I have my own race this year and we’ll be focusing on that. But we have to make certain that President Trump wins this election. [00:01:35][19.2]