Donald Trump Says Haley “Probably” Won’t be This…

Donald Trump says he “probably” won’t select Nikki Haley as his running mate but that still brings me no comfort!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

While third place Iowa finisher Nikki Haley claims she isn’t interested in being Donald Trump’s running mate, I think we all know she’d likely jump at the chance.

But what about Donald Trump? Well at a recent rally in New Hampshire he said that while Nikki is “OK,” she is “not presidential timber.”

He went on to say that “probably” means she wouldn’t be his selection for running mate or potential VP.

PROBABLY? Probably gives me no comfort.

Nikki Haley is about as “America First” as Hillary Clinton and I have a strong feeling MAGA supporters will NOT take too kindly to the thought of her tainting the movement.

MAGA is about ENDING foreign wars, not starting them!

Plus, we’ve already had Mike Pence to deal with, we don’t need another!

I told y’all last week, my pick would be either Senator Marsha Blackburn OR Arkansas Governor Sarah Sanders.

Anyone but Nikki!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at