Rep. Kat Cammack on Voting ‘No’ on the Latest House CR: “This Bill Kicks the Can Down the Road”

Rep. Kat Cammack, congresswoman for FL-03, small business owner, the prior longtime deputy chief of staff for the district, and a graduate of the US Naval War College, joined the Guy Benson Show today to discuss the latest on the upcoming CR spending bills being advanced in the House and Senate. Alongside the new CR, there are new calls to oust Speaker Mike Johnson for working to compromise with Democrats. Rep. Cammack and Benson talk this, the border, and more on today’s show. Listen to the full interview below.

Full Interview:

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Rep. Cammack had this to say on the latest CR spending bill in the House:

“In the house we continue to kick the can down the road… this bill kicks the can down the road until mid-March… there aren’t any Republican priorities built into this package.”

Rep. Cammack had this to say on the proposal to oust Speaker Mike Johnson:

(Mike Johnson) inherited a situation that is untenable… (ousting Johnson) is a horrible idea… and then the fact that we have people who want to, you know, they’re kicking around the idea of a motion to vacate on Speaker Johnson. That is a dumb idea. That is a dumb idea, because then we’ll really be stalled out.”