Dr. Marty Makary Challenges Fauci: “Come to Baltimore… Meet the Real World”

Dr. Marty Makary, Fox News Medical Contributor, Professor at Johns Hopkins, member of the National Academy of Medicine, and author of The Price We Pay – What Broke American Healthcare and How to Fix It, joined the Guy Benson Show to discuss the latest comments made by Anthony Fauci in a closed-doors meeting where he allegedly described “not buying” the extent of learning loss caused by COVID-19. Makary and Benson also talk about the double standard of many scientists refusing to go against the narrative given by the NIH in fear of losing funding for research, which results in a biased reporting of the “truth”. Listen to the full interview below.

Full Interview:

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Dr. Makary had this to say to Dr. Fauci and his exposure to the real world:

“Come up to Baltimore, talk to some of the teachers in inner city Baltimore. It’s different from one of the wealthiest counties in America, Montgomery County and Bethesda and Fairfax and some of these places in Boston where the CDC director had her kids in school. They live in a bubble. Come look at the kids who are barely staying in school pre-COVID. And then they’re given an iPad and told, you know, just log on when you go home. They didn’t log on. We lost a lot of kids, and I wish they could meet the real world people who dealt with the consequences of the policy.”