Oklahoma Republican Senator Markwayne Mullin joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to shed light on why there is a growing push among GOP lawmakers to begin the process of impeaching Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

“This is what a socialist government does, deny, deny, deny, deny. If you never admit and you have an offset  approach to the media, and you have media that will cover for you, then there’s a certain group of people that’s going to believe what you have to say. And what he is doing, what the secretary is doing is essentially carrying the water for the administration. But they can’t deny it to this point because even MSNBC, CNN, CBS,  ABC, all of them are out there now going, this is a major problem. And we had 302,000 people cross last month, which was a record. Since the Biden administration has been in office, it’s 8.8 million people. Now, how many people live in proper New York City? You think about that, 8.8 million individuals are in this country illegally right now. And those are the ones that we know of. Those aren’t even ones that that got away. If you actually factor in the got aways, it’s over 10 million people. That’s two and a half times the population of the state of Oklahoma.”

Senator Mullin also tells Jimmy about how the Mexican drug cartels are exploiting the humanitarian crisis at the U.S. Southern border. To hear what else he had to say, listen to the podcast!

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