Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) discussed the ongoing border crisis with Brian Kilmeade. Cornyn expressed his frustration and being done with Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. Cornyn says he should have gone a long time ago and hopes the House proceeds with impeachment proceedings. Cornyn praised Senator Lankford for leading border negotiations trying to find a compromise with Democrats. Cornyn says Lankford is doing yeoman’s work but warned people shouldn’t be under the impression this is going to make the problem go away overnight. Cornyn believes they can make a down payment and some incremental steps in the right direction to provide tools so the next president can enforce the law and deal with the border crisis in the future. Cornyn says this is an unprecedented opportunity because of the combination of the President’s request for assistance for Ukraine, the Indo-Pacific and for Israel but stressed they can’t address these challenges without addressing the dangers at our own Southern border. Cornyn thinks the Biden Administration is finally waking up to the reality that this is not politically sustainable for him and for Democrats.