Katie Pavlich on the UN in Israel: “They Are Aiding and Abetting Islamic Terrorist Organizations”

Katie Pavlich, Editor for Townhall.com & Fox News Contributor, joined the Guy Benson Show today to discuss the latest coming from the UN. A report was recently released revealing UNRWA teachers in Gaza cheering on the massacre committed by Hamas on October 7th, and Guy and Katie review the sentiments. Pavlich and Benson also discuss the lack of coverage surrounding the remaining Israeli hostages being held in Hamas captivity. Listen to the full interview below.

Full interview:

Listen to the full podcast:


Pavlich had this to say on the state of the UN in Israel:

“(The UN) are aiding and abetting Islamic terrorist organization for the slaughter and murder of innocent people… UNWRA is a completely corrupt terrorist organization that the United States been funding for many, many years.”