Editor at Large of The Spectator Ben Domenech joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to discuss the Pentagon’s sheer lack of transparency over Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s recent hospitalization.

“Whatever your thoughts are on the appropriateness, or lack thereof, of what happens here, what we’re going to see and witness again is that in the Biden world, if you’re part of their back and forth, any kind of, people who are part of their insular environment, then you can get away with just about anything. And the people know it. And that’s the thing that’s so disturbing about this. You know, they sold the American people on this myth of a return to normalcy, and the adults in the room, and instead, what we’ve learned is that these are actually people who will definitely use their friendships and connections with President Biden and especially with his deceased son, which is, someone who Lloyd Austin said, you know, famously that, you know, he would go to church services with when they were, serving overseas. You know, that’s something that they use to manipulate him and his emotions and basically prevent having to have any kind of answer for very obvious and serious questions about their behavior in critical moments. And that’s something that, you know, in any real administration, in any responsible administration, heads would roll. But in this case, you know, I think Biden’s going to resist them once again and stick by Austin despite the obvious impropriety of what went on here.”

Ben and Jimmy also talk about the chaos that ensued on Capitol Hill after Hunter Biden showed up to a House Oversight Committee hearing. Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say!

PLUS, don’t forget to pre-order your copy of Jimmy’s upcoming book!

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