Joe Blames Reporters for Failing Economy…

President Biden has a solution for his failing economy…the media should start pretending right along with him!

I don’t think so, Joe!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Bidenomics has failed so miserably that even Joe’s own White House has stopped using the term.

But if you thought Joe would take accountability for the disaster he has created and maintained, don’t know Joe!

No, instead he lectured reporters on how THEY are to blame.

Over the weekend our illustrious president was asked about the economic outlook of 2024 and in a few brief mumbling bumbling remarks outside of his presidential helicopter, Joe told reporters they need to “start reporting it the right way.”

According to Joe, it’s not the actual economy that is the problem but rather it is the media’s fault for not telling people- who are struggling- that they are actually not struggling.

What a concept! It’s not Joe’s fault you can’t afford your mortgage but rather it’s your LYING EYES!

And THAT is Bidenomics, baby!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at