Majority of Americans Agree with Colorado Ballot Stunt?!

Trump might be ahead in the polls but what percentage of voters approve of him being kicked off the ballot?

This is what I’ve been warning about.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

When it comes to poll numbers, I urge you to take them with a huge grain of salt.

And while recent national polling does suggest Trump is ahead, not only in the GOP race, but in a head-to-head with Biden, I will once again caution my fellow patriots from getting too cocky.

Here’s why. A recent poll done by YouGov shows that over 50% of Americans APPROVE of Trump being booted from the ballot in Colorado.

And what’s worse? Almost a quarter of REPUBLICANS agree!

Now this political stunt out of Colorado likely will not hold water and will almost surely be struck down by the Supreme Court, but even so, the fact that a majority of Americans agree with it..well..that is NOT a good sign.

It’s not Trump’s fault he is being witch hunted like this, again. I would just remind Republican primary voters that none of this is going to end.

And if Trump is our nominee, that’s when the deep state will REALLY go to town!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at