Homeless Totals Hit Record High

US homelessness is up 12% from last year so as you can tell, Build Back Better is coming along nicely!

This month marks the 20th anniversary of FORMER MAYOR AND NOW California Governor Gavin Newsom’s 10 year plan to fight homelessness but the numbers in his state, and around the nation, would suggest things aren’t improving.

In fact, the latest data from HUD shows homelessness has gone up 12% since last year. That means roughly 650 thousand Americans have dealt with homelessness this year.

This is the highest recorded total since HUD started the count in 2007.

New York City and Los Angeles, both run by Democrats, experienced the highest numbers, followed by Seattle, San Diego and Denver- also run by Democrats.

Newsom’s state also accounted for nearly HALF of all homeless people in the country.

So what does this tell us? Bidenomics ain’t working and neither is voting for Democrats!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at Outkick.com