Boston Mayor Doesn’t Want a “White” Christmas…

The Mayor of Boston doesn’t want any white people at her Christmas Party and if that sounds racist to you, it’s because it is!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu is not dreaming of a white Christmas this year. In fact, she doesn’t even want to celebrate in the presence of white folks.

This, according to an email invitation accidentally sent out to the white colleagues she sought to exclude.

The mayor’s aid was supposed to send an invite to “electeds of color” only but accidentally blasted to white councilors as well.

Once she realized her error, she sent out another email apologizing for the confusion and the possible offense the 7 white members may have taken to being excluded from the party based on their skin color.

If that sounds incredibly racist and likely totally illegal to you, well, you’re not alone.

Can you imagine if this kind of invite was instead intended for “white only?” There would be riots in the streets of Boston, I’m sure.

White hate and racism is real but unfortunately, it is generally excused.

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at