Southwest Accommodates “Customers of Size”

It’s shaping up to be one of the busiest holiday traveling seasons and speaking of shape, if you’re too large to fit in one seat, Southwest will gift you a full row to spread out your extra self.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Air travel has been a somewhat miserable experience for the last 4 years but Southwest Airlines is working to change that, for some people.

If you take up two or even three seats, you might be eligible to have those extra seats for free.

As a part of their passengers of size inclusion policy, larger passengers “have the option of purchasing just one seat and then discussing seating needs with the Customer Service Agent at the departure gate. If it’s determined that a second (or third) seat is needed, that passenger will be accommodated with a complimentary additional seat.”

Customers can also pay for extra seats in advance and then contact Southwest “for a refund of the cost of additional seating after travel.”

Ya know what, this is a load of crap! Those of us who fit in one seat buy one seat and get one seat, but those who spill over into multiple seats just get them for free?

I understand that this whole seating process is a nightmare for flight attendants and customers of all sizes but to give extra room to some while the rest of us absorb the cost?

I don’t think so!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at