Arizona Republican Congressman Andy Biggs joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to shed light on how the narrative peddled by Democrats and many mainstream media outlets in the weeks leading up to the 2020 presidential election about the Hunter Biden laptop story being “Russian disinformation” has completely fallen apart.

“I mean, they said, look, you can’t even talk about it. So the intelligence community guys come out and say, yeah, this is Russian disinformation, the Hunter Biden laptop. So you can’t talk about that. You can’t about Hunter Biden’s corrupt Burisma deal. No, none of that. You can’t talk about It’s not real. It’s all fraudulent. But boy, howdy, the Russian stuff with Donald Trump? Yes, that’s real. These people are just savage and they’re amoral. They have no conscience. And so it was really easy for them to just make it up because they have an objective. And the objective was to get Joe Biden elected and now they’re ruing that. They wish they had never done that.”

To hear what else he had to say to Jimmy, listen to the podcast!

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