Sen. Blackburn on Halting Ukraine Funding: “We’re Not Going to Discuss… That Until We Secure Our Border”

Senator Marsha Blackburn, Republican Senator from Tennessee, member of the Commerce, Science, & Transportation Committee, Judiciary Committee, Veterans’ Affairs Committee & Armed Services Committees, and author of, The Mind of a Conservative Woman: Seeking the Best for Family and Country, joined guest host Jason Rantz on the Guy Benson Show to talk about the latest breaking news that billions of federal spending dollars have flooded into organizations that are using funds for abortions. Blackburn and Rantz also discuss the growing antisemitism on college campuses around the country and the disheveled state of the United States’ southern border. Listen to the full interview below.

Full Interview:

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Blackburn had this to say on holding off on Ukraine funding until the border is secure:

“House and Senate Republicans have been united that there will be no discussion of Ukraine funding until we deal with our border first. We cannot talk about Ukraine’s border. We cannot talk about Taiwan. We’re not going to discuss any of that until we secure our border. You have 279 known terrorist watch list, individuals that have come into this country.”