Retired NYPD inspector Paul Mauro joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to provide insight on how our intelligence agencies have spent the last few years focusing on all of the wrong things.

“At the end of the day, what we need out of the agency are some tough characters, male and female, who are willing to go into some of the roughest areas of the world and sometimes operate in very gray areas to get us the information to keep America safe. And they had convinced themselves that, and this is not just limited to the CIA, in fact, it’s probably more appropriate for the FBI domestically, they convinced themselves that White supremacy was the threat that was going to destroy this country. A lot of that is wrapped up in electoral politics and the votes that Biden needs. And as a result, we didn’t have the sourcing and the penetration that we should have had to see even this Hamas attack coming. But when you consider that Iran, one of our primary adversaries globally who are in the process, I don’t care what anybody says, you know, developing nuclear capacity, when you consider that they had to have not only sanctioned this but funded it, and we didn’t pick any of that up, that gives you a little bit of an insight into the current state of our application of our Intel capabilities. And clearly, it was misapplied. And right now, what they’re trying to do is a 180.”

Paul and Jimmy also talk about FBI Director Christopher Wray’s testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, during which he said that the terror threat facing the United States has reached unprecedented levels since the Oct. 7th attack against Israel. Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say!

PLUS, you can pre-order a copy of Jimmy’s new book now!

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