Deadspin Writer RAILROADS Young Chief’s Fan with FALSE Claim!

You would’ve thought after a multi-million dollar lawsuit from Nick Sandman AKA the Covington Catholic student who was railroaded by the mainstream media for literally stranding and smiling, that said mainstream media would have learned a lesson.

But nope.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

If there is a white male that can be defamed, slandered or cancelled regardless of the merit or truth of the accusations- members of the activist media will find that white male and go to town.

That’s what happened to a young Kansas City Chiefs fan after a Deadspin writer published a hit piece on the boy for supposedly wearing blackface to the game titled, “The NFL needs to speak out against the Kansas City Chiefs fan in Black face, Native headdress.”

The article also included a one-sided and skewed photo, and it looks bad.

Unless you provide just the tiniest amount of truth and and show the whole photo of the little boy whose face is indeed painted black, but half black not to promote racism, but as a part of the red and black colors of the KANSAS CITY CHIEFS!

These race hustlers are shameless and so hungry to find racism they will LITERALLY create it where it doesn’t exist. The demand for racism is far outpacing the supply.

And this Deadspin writer most definitely deserves the Nick Sandman treatment.

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at