Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX-21) on Rep. Tlaib’s Censure: “We Did Things the Right Way”

Rep. Chip Roy, Representative for Texas’ 21st Congressional District, member of the House Judiciary, Rules, and Budget Committees, and Policy Chair of the House Freedom Caucus, joined the Guy Benson Show today to discuss the latest on the censure of Rep. Rashida Tlaib from the House of Representatives. Rep. Roy also discusses the latest from the new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, and Johnson’s latest efforts to tie border security to funding for the war in Ukraine. Listen to the wide ranging interview below.

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Rep. Chip Roy had this to say on the censure of Rep. Tlaib:

“This notion that this is somehow an infringement on her free speech rights is absurd. First of all, no one is saying that we’re throwing her in jail. Well, no one’s telling her that she can’t say these things… (we’re saying) that when a member of Congress is siding with a terrorist enemy and siding with a terrorist enemy in Hamas and who just beheaded babies, put babies in ovens, raped moms, killed innocent civilians, and did so in her defense… we call her out.”