Miranda Devine on KJP Playing Dumb on Posters Question: “She’s Playing Dumb… She’s a Really Bad Look”

Miranda Devine, NY Post Columnist, Fox News Contributor & author of Laptop from Hell, Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to Hide, joined the Guy Benson Show to talk about the continuous shifting of the goalposts and lying going on in the White House Press Room by Karine Jean-Pierre.  KJP continues to try and lie her way out of answering hard-hitting questions, and Guy and Miranda discuss her poor instincts and unwillingness to do a good job as the White House Press Secretary. Listen to the full interview below.

Full Interview:

Listen to the full podcast:


Devine had this to say on KJP’s consistent lying and ‘playing dumb’ about violent hostage poster rippers:

“All these people in these cities filled with hate, pulling down these these posters with photographs of little children who’ve been kidnaped. She knows what’s going on. She’s pretending she doesn’t because she doesn’t want to condemn it… This is Joe Biden’s spokeswoman. That’s her instinct. And she remains in that position. I have no idea why. She’s a really bad look for them. She’s incompetent and she has really questionable instincts.”